Throughout the summer our junior athletes compete in the Sussex Under 13s and Under 15s Leagues and County and English Schools events. In the winter they compete in Sussex cross country events.
Senior members compete in the Southern Athletics League, the Sussex Masters League, the Sussex Cross Country League and the East Sussex Sunday Cross Country League and the Sussex Grand Prix road running series.
Club members have exclusive use of the all weather floodlit track at Eastbourne Sports Park between 5.30 and 7.30 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings throughout the year for training and coaching sessions.

In addition to general sessions for younger athletes, there are specialised training groups for sprinting, middle distance and cross country running, jumps and throws. There are popular road running groups, please check the timetable as road runners sometimes meet elsewhere.

The training sessions are all led by qualified and DBS checked coaches.
On Monday evenings between 6.30pm and 7.30pm, from September to March, members from all age groups traditionally participated in Circuit Training sessions at the Cavendish School Gym. We’re currently looking for a new venue to start these sessions again. For variety, each of the Club Coaches takes it in turn to devise and lead a 6-week programme.
Access to all club sessions and participation in individual and group coaching is included in the annual membership subscription. There is no additional entry or coaching fees.
For information about memberships take a look at our Membership page.
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