Training sessions are held at Eastbourne Sports Park on Tuesday and Thursday. The track is booked exclusively for Eastbourne Rovers use between 5:30 and 8pm.
Over 17’S & adults
Eastbourne Rovers Senior athletes 17 and over, train in event based groups focusing on their particular discipline. Coached sessions cover sprints, middle distance, endurance running, throws and jumps. All sessions are led by UK Athletics qualified coaches.
We have links with Brighton University. Students can join in the clubs training sessions and can gain experience of coaching some of the younger groups. Sports science students can also link up with athletes to help with their studies.
Adults groups meet at 6:30, though individual adult members can use the facility from 5:30 if care is taken not to disrupt group training.

Children under 17
Eastbourne Rovers has a thriving youth section welcoming young athletes of all abilities, from age 9 up. We aim to introduce athletics to youngsters in a fun and safe environment. Sessions are led by DBS checked UKA coaches. Initially, our youngest members focus on developing their basic athletic skills and enjoy trying a wide range of running, jumping and throwing events. As their skills and expertise develops, they are introduced to more specialised training groups including sprinting, middle distance and cross country running, jumps and throws.
Sessions are held at various times between 5:30 and 7:30pm.

Training Groups
We aim to compile a list of training groups here, their coaches, leaders and assistants, and an outline of the groups training. See our Training Groups page to find out what group may suit you best.
Over 17’s & adults
In the summer the senior athletes 17 can compete in the Southern Athletics League (SAL). There are 5 matches held between mid April and August. The mixed format has proved extremely popular and Eastbourne have achieved success in this league as we are currently in Division 1.
Our over 35 athletes are eligible to compete in the Sussex Masters League. It’s a relatively relaxed summer league spread over 3 evenings between May and July. The meetings cater for all athletics disciplines and are split into different age groups. Our Masters athletes also compete in various other national and international events throughout the year.
The Under 20 age group (17-19), join with the U17’s to compete in the Youth Development League (YDL). Eastbourne, Lewes, East Grinstead and Haywards Heath join together to form ‘Team Sussex’ competing in 4/5 matches against other teams in the south. This is a good opportunity for U20’s to compete against their own age group in all track and field events.
U20’s, Seniors and Masters can all enter the Sussex Championships for track and field, cross country, and many Open meetings, on an individual basis.

Children under 17
We take part in the Sussex Under 13 and Under 15 Leagues during the summer months – three matches on weekday evenings in May, June and July and then a Sunday final in September. The Under 11’s take part in evenings of competitions held at the track throughout the summer.
The Under 17’s combine with the U20’s to compete in the Youth Development Leagye (YDL). Eastbourne, Lewes, East Grinstead and Haywards Heath join together to form ‘Team Sussex’ competing in 4/5 matches against other teams in the south. This is a good opportunity to compete against athletes of the same age.
Athletes are also encouraged to compete in the Sussex County Championships and the Sussex Schools Championships. Our athletes are regularly selected to represent Sussex at inter county track and field or cross country matches and compete at the English Schools’ Track and Field Championships. There are plenty of opportunities to compete in “Open” meetings throughout Sussex and the South East.
During the winter there are indoor open meetings at Sutton and the indoor county championships are held at Sutton in March each year. There are also regular cross country events and opportunities to represent the county at Inter County and National Cross Country races.
With the coaching Eastbourne athletes have received some go on to represent the county at Inter-county and English schools competitions, both on the track, field and XC.
Others add other competitions, attending the South of England and National events. In recent years some have gone on to represent England and Great Britain.
All age groups
In the winter our senior and junior middle distance, endurance and road athletes join forces and enter age and gender defined teams in the Sussex Cross Country League. A series of 4 meetings are held between October and February, plus the Sussex County Championships race too. We also compete in the East Sussex Sunday Cross Country League – a series of 6 races over courses of approximately 5 miles that vary from open down to very muddy woodland tracks! Eastbourne Rovers occasionally host the race at Warren Hill or Whitbread Hollow.