
Essential Information for Track & Field Season Competitors

Below are the main competitions for all age groups, especially explaining the main leagues we compete in as a club. If you do well, you may enter, or be selected for, additional regional or national events. If you like to compete in multi-event competitions like heptathlon, there are a few other competitions not listed below. For a comprehensive list, see the Sussex summer fixture list (

Power of 10 fixtures ( is another site where you can find most meetings across the whole UK, often with entry information. Don’t forget to check your own profile on Power of 10 to see your own results:

Entry information: The club will select and enter you for league competitions. You will need to enter yourself for Open Meetings (see the web page pf the club organising the fixture) and County Championships (see the Sussex Athletics page). For regional and national competitions you will either need to be selected by Sussex (if it is an inter-county competition) or for some you will need to enter yourself (but you can only compete in IF you have the required entry time/distance – check with your coach).

Under 11s (school years 4 and 5, aged at least 9 on the day, and under 11 at midnight 31st Aug/1st Sept in year of competition): You can compete in the U13 league (see below) as a non-scorer. The Under 13 Sussex Champs has a Quad kids competition for you where you compete in 4 events and earn points. Top points scorer over all 4 events wins. Your school will probably have additional competitions. Look out for U11 events at Open Meetings (e.g. Worthing, Crawley, Tonbridge)

Under 13s (school years 6 and 7, aged under 13 at midnight 31st Aug/1st Sept in year of competition): We need you all for the U13 league (East) which has 3 fixtures over the summer and a final, including the West division, in September. You can do two events plus a relay. You have two different Sussex county champs: U13 minithon (3 events) as part of the main Sussex champs in May, and then a separate U13 champs in July with all events). Your school will probably have additional competitions. Look out for U13 events at Open Meetings (e.g. Worthing, Crawley, Tonbridge).

Under 15s (school years 8 and 9, aged under 15 at midnight 31st Aug/1st Sept in year of competition): We need you all for the U15 league (4 fixtures) You can do 3 events plus a relay. The Sussex county champs are in May, with all events. There is also a schools county champs – you can qualify for this by competing for your school in your region (e.g. South Downs) and if you do well, you will be put forward to the Sussex schools champs in June. Look out for U15 events at Open Meetings (e.g. Brighton, Worthing, Crawley, Tonbridge).

U17s (school years 10 and 11, aged under 17 at midnight 31st Aug/1st Sept in year of competition): Your main competitions for the club in this age group are the Youth Development League – upper age group (YDL UAG), and the Southern Athletics League (SAL). In the YDL you form part of Team Sussex with a couple of other clubs (many of the others are Lewes athletes) and there are 3 or 4 fixtures. You compete in the U17 age group and there will also be U20 athletes at the matches. In the Southern Athletics League you form part of the Eastbourne Rovers team which is a whole mixture of U17, U20, Senior and Masters athletes. We are currently (2025) in Division 2. Don’t worry, the standard is very mixed and there is no need to be put off by competing in a mixed age group. The main Sussex County Champs are in May. As for U15s, there is a schools county champs too, where you need to run for your school in your region first. Look out for U17 events and graded events (in track events you race people according to your time not your age) at Open Meetings (e.g. Brighton, Worthing, Crawley, Tonbridge).

U20s (roughly college age, at least 17 at midnight 31st Aug/1st Sept in the year  of competition but under 20 on 31st December in the calendar year of the competition) Your main competitions for the club in this age group are the Youth Development League – upper age group (YDL UAG), and the Southern Athletics League (SAL). In the YDL you form part of Team Sussex with a couple of other clubs (many of the others are Lewes athletes) and there are 4 fixtures. You compete in the U20 age group and there will also be U17 athletes at the matches. In the Southern Athletics League you form part of the Eastbourne Rovers team which is a whole mixture of U17, U20, Senior and Masters athletes. (See further details above in U17 notes.) The main Sussex County Champs are in May. There is a schools county champs too in June, where you can compete as a Senior Girl or Boy – if you are at college, ask them to enter you.  There are many other competition opportunities at Open Meetings (e.g. Brighton, Worthing, Crawley, Tonbridge).

After this, there are a few U23 competitions, but normally you will compete as a Senior, the main competitions for the club being the SAL as explained above. The Sussex Masters (or veterans) League is for men and women over 35 years of age (age for Masters events is the age on the day of competition).

We appreciate this may seem complicated for new athletes. You will get the hang of it in time! If you are confused, just ask your coach for help. Enjoy the season!